The IIS Biodonostia was born in 2008 with a vocation to preferentially promote patient-focused translational research. Currently it covers all the research carried out in the historic territory of Gipuzkoa within the scope of Osakidetza - Basque Health Service and aims to improve the health of citizens through its multi-institutional and interdisciplinary collaborative structure. Biodonostia was the first of the Euskadi centers to obtain accreditation as a Health Research Institute (2011), having achieved re-accreditation for the next 5 years by the Carlos III Health Institute (ISCIII) in 2017.

The research of the institute is organized around 7 Vertical Areas and 3 Transversal Research Areas (Aging, Precision Medicine and Innovation) that currently group around 350 researchers in 26 groups. The MALTA project involves the Multiple Sclerosis Research Group, led by Dr. David Otaegui, who brings 10 researchers and their capabilities in the study of extracellular vesicles and in models of remyelination.

These groups have technical staff and researcher of the entity, linked to the institutions that comprise it, including Osakidetza-SVS and OSI Donostialdea (central nucleus of the Entity) together with the Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa, Public Health of Gipuzkoa, BIOEF and UPV-EHU. Added to them are the Science and Technology Park of Gipuzkoa, CC. TT. and Research Vicomtech-IK4, IK4-Cidetec and Osatek, Mattia Foundation Gerontology Foundation, Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language (BCBL) and Onkologikoa. In addition, other entities such as the Ikerbasque Foundation and the Euskampus Foundation collaborate with the Institute and also have centers that are not part of its governing bodies such as CIC nanoGUNE, CIC biomaGUNE, Tecnalia, CITA Alzheimer and Fundación Carlos Elosegui de Policlínica Gipuzkoa.